sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012

they say she looks different in the video, but she just looks more red and is because the effect of the camera.
A. - Look at the pink circle on the cheek,cheekbone is the same in all three photos.
2. - Look at the yellow circle in the neck, in both looks the same bone.
So if the photos are the same … mean she does not edit the photos or videos.

viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

SMACK say she edits her photos. but really she just use a goodmakeup and a good camera. the alleged 'original' photos that they published, were edited, only removed the saturation and VOILA!!

Do you realize the difference?
on the top the Gif of SmackBrookelle
the other photo is from the video of brookelle's tumblr

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012


 they say she looks different in the video, but she just looks more red and is because the effect of the camera.
A. - Look at the pink circle on the cheek,cheekbone is the same in all three photos.
2. - Look at the yellow circle in the neck, in bothlooks the same bone.
So if the photos are the same ... mean she does not edit the photos or videos.

really bitch? Really? this is the really ... http://i42.tinypic.com/d9pg5.png

what we know about the admins of SmackBrookelle is ...
They are hispanics .- How do I know? because they post this in the blog.- 
1.- the first circle : 'Muro' this word is '' wall'' in Spanish
2.- the second cirlce is ''es-es'' these words appear when you use facebook in Spanish (es-es Spanish-Spain)
3.- the third circle ''big circle'' the instructions in spanish
4.- the last circle : ''es-la'' (Spanish-Latin America'')

Copy Cat ...

‎'SmackBrookelle' says that brookelle copies 'Ruby Grace' if you realize in the fist photo (rabbits) brookelle looks younger than Rubi ... but in the third photo (mirrors) both look same age. in the photo of the shoes isnt brookelle,http://i43.tinypic.com/11gimgm.png -.-, now analyze, in the first picture ... How did brookelle would know that that ruby would be taken a photo like this? if when she took the picture, the other photo (ruby) did not exist yet. 
the photos of ruby are 2009
the photos of brookelle are 2005/2009/2007/2010.

she does not edit the photos to be thin

Brookelle dont post this http://i43.tinypic.com/v7tvs2.gif , in this photo she looks thinner than usually. that photo was editet bye 'SmackBrookelle' How do I know? because weeks ago smack post this http://i44.tinypic.com/2149z74.jpg this was the one she post. smack just edit the picture to have something to talk.

'The Fails in the video'

       These photos are from the video ''No MySpace''

anyone can edit his face in a video with such perfection, not even Madonna can do it. http://i39.tinypic.com/sno4rn.jpg . Brookelle is only using a very good makeup, and she does NOT do a lot of gestures to avoid wrinkling his face.